Thursday, February 21, 2008

What You Should Know About Asbestos Exposure Litigation

What is Asbestos or Mesothelioma Litigation?

The term, asbestos (mesothelioma) litigation refers to legal action for victims of this type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. It affects the lining of the lungs and organ in the
abdomen. This type of litigation helps victims that are trying to obtain compensation from employers or manufacturers of asbestos containing products that may have been responsiblefor their illness. Compensation can be from damages such as medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering, or even death. Litigation is the legal resource for victims wishing to recover compensation for their sufferings.

Abestos Dangers

Asbestos affects the lungs, abdomen, and sometimes the heart and reproductive organs, causes shortness of breath, persistant cough, and chest pains. What is so dangerous about mesothelioma is that it can be in the body many years before it is detected. Sometimes 20- 50 years. About 70-80 % of those afflicted with mesothelioma have had a history of repeated exposure to asbestos. Average survival time for victims is 12-24 months of diagnosis.

How Asbestos Effects Your Health

Asbestos is a fiberous material that disolves into small particles that float in the air. Workers, their families or others that work in close relationship to asbestos are in danger of being inflicted with asbestos diseases and cancers. Particles
settle in the lungs and respiratory tract and cause disease. For many years, asbestos was widely used in construction, boilers, railroads, shipyards,insulation, and other products because of the ability to resist fires and stability. The growing number of asbestos litigation cases in recent years and has drawn attention to
the dangers of asbestos and human health.

Help for Mesothelioma Victims

Help is available for those that been diagnosed with an asbestos disease because of a workplace or any other reason. You are eligible for compensation.
Compensation is available for exposure during and after 1940. People that stayed in buildings having asbestos in them, or using products with asbestos, can get compensation if mesothelioma or other asbestos related diseases develop. A qualified and experienced asbestos will help you file a claim. Asbestos attorneys
help the victims to maximize claim amounts and protect your interest in an asbestos lawsuit claim.
learn more about mesothelioma @
To learn if your case qualifies for a non recourse advance on your lawsuit, visit:

Call today for your Free Consultation! 360 892 6667 Toll Free: 877 386 3374

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