Thursday, June 26, 2008

Back Pain-What Your Chiropractor Won't Tell You

What Your Chiropractor May Not Tell You About Back Pain
70 to 90% of the population will have some form of back pain at some time or another. knowing about back pain relief is a welcome and appreciated topic. The best way to learn about
backpain relief is to understand the basics. How it is caused, diagnosed,treated, and how to manage the pain. We will cover the basics.
Facts and Myths
In order to separate fact and fiction about back pain, let's look at some facts. About 1% of acute lower back pain, is because of a serious infection or conditon such as cancer or a spinal injury. People under 50 experience even less.Back pain is the number one disability for those under 45, running second only to the "common cold", as to why people visit healthcare providers in the US.
Myth #1
"There isn't anything wrong with you" is what many doctors tell those with chronic back pain. 90% of those are not correct.The majority of back pain comes
from an unknown source, such as an injury or infection, and usually last anywhere from four to six weeks.
Myth #2
"Back pain won't cause death.". Pain, combined with depression and anxety, over long periods of time, suffer risk of suicide from time to time.
Myth #3
"Back pain almost always requires surgery." Wrong! Only 2% of people with back pain need surgery. It is however, the third top reason for surgery.
Myth #4
"Only a small percentage of workers suffer from back pain resulting from their job". False. The top occupational injury in the US, is back injury.
Myth #5
"Laying down relieves back pain". Wrong. Bed rest often aggrevates back pain. Doctors recommend staying active to shorten recovery time.
Myth #6
"Women suffer less back pain than men". Also False. Gender has nothing to do with pain. The only differnce is with secondary pain to disk disorders during middle age. In regards to race, Caucasians suffer more back pain than other races.
Myth #7
"Pain that lacks a regular and consistant pattern, is exaggerated or imagined".
No two people are the same, so no two back pain cases are the same. Lifestyle and activities vary so much that there is no way to accurately describe the problem.
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