Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Motorcycle Accident Claims

Getting Compensation for Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles and motorbikes are vehicles that are involved in only a small portion of road accidents. Past statistics show that only about 1% of traffic on our highways are motorcycle and motorbikeriders. Ridership is increasing steadily though, because of today's extremely high energy costs. Many drivers are abandoning their larger SUV's and autos in exchange for a motorscooter or motorcycle which only takes a few gallons to fill the tank, and gets great gas mileage. Motorcycle accident claims are small in number, but they suffer 19% of deaths and serious injuries.

In 2002, over 600 motorcyclists died in traffic accidents, and 7000 suffered from serious injuries. Head injuries are the most common cause of death and serious injuries for motorcyclists, and are 45 times more likely to be killed than a driver of a car.

Causes of Motorcylce Accidents

There are a number of reasons that cause accidents such as other road users, poor highway maintenance of road surfaces,and the lack of any type of physical restraints or protection for the rider. Another problem is the lack of visibility to other highway users. There is only a 1/3 visibility of that of an automobile.

General Rules For Motorcycle Accidents

First, if the police are on the scene, always make sure that a detailed report of the accident is taken, even if it seems unimportant. The smallest damage of the bike, personal injury, or anything carried on the bike can be important for a successful accident claim.
Second, you can make a claim for compensation if the accident was not your fault or was only partially your fault. The speed at which you were traveling, along with whether you were wearing a protective helmet will be among the details that will be important when fault is being determined.
Third, accidents should be reported as soon as possible because timeliness is very important. If the person responsible for the accident either doesn't stop or has no insurance, you still can make a claim. It will however, be handled by the Motor Insurers Bureau, and is an organization that provides compensation for accident victims involving unisured drivers, and hit and run cases.
Is It Easy? No

Dealing with a motorcycle accident or injury can be complicated and needs to be taken care of quickly and with professional help. What if you've been seriously injured and can't take care of it quickly? The best thing you can do, is to find a personal injury attorney to handle your claim details for things like injury assessment, accident reports, claim preparations, and so on.

Most importantly, you don't have to risk anything because of a "no win- no fee" arrangement, that means if your case wins, you keep the settlement, and if it loses, your attorney pays all the cost.

Don't Take Extra Risk - Be Safe

Although motorcycle riding is a wonderful experience, it is very risky, and injuries can be very serious. Don't take another risk by trying to handle your claim by yourself after an accident, or employ a company that cares more about the money than about your wellbeing and a successful claim. Use a personal injury attorney that will take your case on a "contingency" basis.(No win-No Pay)

There are companies that advance cash on pending lawsuits that are only repaid when and if your case reaches a successful recovery. There are no risks, no monthly payments, noupfront fees, and no credit checks on lawsuit loans.

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