Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Top Tips to Stretch Your Lawsuit Advance

Stretching Your Advance

After receiving your lawsuit advance, you must use it very carefully to make sure you can stretch your cash as long as possible, until your case settles. In many cases you can apply for another advance, depending on the value of your case. By stretching out your advance, it increases the final payout that you receive from your settlement when your case is resolved.
Basic Steps From Former Plaintiffs
1. Pay only the minimum on your debts and bills. Don't worry about trying to pay them off at this time. Keeping your bills current now, will enable you to pay them off or pay them down substantialy, when your case settles favorably. Even though it is tempting to pay off credit cards and other debts, it is important to be able to pay monthly bills in the future. Always try to avoid penalties and late fees that increase your interest rate and balances.
2. Slice unneeded expenses like eating out, buying unecessary items and services. Your cash should only go for essentials. List your expenses and monthly bills to see if you can cut out anything out of your budget. Use your advance carefully and eliminate excess spending. Cancel magazines, and newspapers. Either downgrade or discontinue cable tv services. Cook all your meals at home.
These are just a few ways to save money.
3. Use cash for your purchases. Studies show that when credit and debit cards are used, there is a tendancy to overspend. So leave them at home and only take the minimum cash with you for your purchases. Set a daily limit for spending and stick to it.
4. Call your creditors and try to negotiate lower monthly payments for a few months. This helps tremendously if you are already behind on your bills. Ask the lender to drop late charge penalties and non payment fees. Ask them if you can pay less for a few months. They don't want you to default or refinance with another lender. Often they are willing to work with you to keep your business and
keep payments coming in. You will agree to pay a little less each month for a while, and eventually pay more to make up the difference. It is important to keep your bills current with your cash advance. If the lender agrees to let you pay less for a while, always make sure your payments are made on time.
By using your advance on neccessary expenses only, you ensure more settlement money when your case is settled either in or out of court. if you lose or abandon your case, careful use of your advance will help you to make the most of your advance. Keeping current on your expenses while rebuilding your life, will give you a fresh start financially.
Apply today to see if your case qualifies for funding.
Freedom First Funding
FREE CONSULTATIONS 360 892 6667 toll free: 877 386 3374 (funder4)

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