Monday, October 20, 2008

Discovering Class Action Settlements

Consumer Class Action Settlements historically, go unclaimed by consumers, investors, small businesses and the general public. Billions of dollars revert every year to companies that were found to be in the wrong or that agreed to settle cases that were filed against them because of damages that their particular product or action caused.

Many people that could be entitlted to a settlement, don't know about them. They may never have received any official notification of their legal rights from the courts or the company involved. Others are intimidated by the complexity and length of the forms, and may feel that it isn't worth the time and energy to complete the forms, plus the length of time it takes to settle these cases. Most people simply don't take advantage of their legal rights. You do have the right to justice in these cases.

Lawsuit advances are available on many types of Class Action Settlements, and Freedom First Funding has the information that can help determine if you are eligble to claim a share of these billions of dollars from class action cases.

Cases We Are Currently Funding:

Exxon Valdez

Drug Related:
Ortho Evra
Avandia, (may be funding soon)
Kugel Mesh
Phen fen
Fossamax and more. Check with us to find out if we are funding your type of class action case.
Contact us today for your FREE Consultation! 360 892 6667 TF: 877 386 3374

Linda Hughes is the author and writes for Freedom First Funding. She has a background in all types of lawsuit & inheritance loan funding.

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