Monday, June 15, 2009

Top Ways to Avoid Medical Mistakes

Thousands Lost Yearly from Medical Mistakes

In today's fast pace world, over 100,000 lives are lost yearly in the United States because of medical mistakes. We expect our care givers to know how to treat our illnesses and health problems. After all, didn't they go to shool to learn how to do these procedures and learn the problems? Millions however, do receive quality health care and healthcare workers should be appreciated and applauded for their work. There are however, many serious mistakes that could be avoided by changing the way we think about hospitals and health care. Along with things that you, the patient, can do to help avoid medical mistakes.

There are many wrongful diagnosis, treatments, and surgeries in medical facilities. There are close to 100 medical mistakes made daily in some hospitals. One medical mistake left two newborn twins fighting for their lives because of being injected with 1000 times the amount of blood thinner they should have received because of a dosing mistake. There are wrong site surgeries, sponges, and other surgical items left inside the body which cause problems. Wrongful diagnosis, surgeries, and switched files.

What's Being Done to Avoid Mistakes

In defense of health care workers though, they do give good care in general.They are often overworked and in stressful conditions. Many are required to work more hours than they should with little rest. Hospitals and clinics are now beginning to implement new policies and procedures that will help to eliminate some of these problems of human error.

Changes are being made that will computerize files and barcode systems for patients. Along with automatic medication dispensing machines to avoid overdosing a patient. Dosages are entered into computers and rechecked for accuracy with scanners. Most of the larger facilities are working on this problem at this time, and many more will be doing it soon. Health care workers are also
trying to avoid infections by frequent handwashing with hand sanitizers and disposable rubber gloves, avoiding chit chat, and by removing jewelry and ties, that can spread infection. When doing surgical procedures, they are marking more specific areas as to where and what surgeries are being performed.

Things You Can Do To Avoid Mistakes

  1. Find "high tech hospitals" that are accredited.

  2. Ask if doctors follow the correct protocal.

  3. Ask plenty of questions, like what is being done to you, and what the expected result will be.

  4. Check the wristband for accuracy.

  5. Know what medications you are taking and what they are for.

Be Your Own Advocate

There are times when you will also need to seek a second or third opinion of a diagnosis. Your body knows when something isn't right, so use surgery as a last resort. Early detection is the key, and remember that it takes a long time for what actually works, to get through the system so that doctors do know what works and doesn't work as a treatment.

Pre Settlement Lawsuit Funding is available for medical mistakes when circumstances arise that cause damage to former patients. Advances are made on the strength and viability of the lawsuit, and can help the plaintiff of such cases to get the full value of their case instead of settling it too soon.

To learn if your case qualifies for funding call for your Free Consultation!

877 386 3374 or apply online:

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